Celebrating The First Virtual May Day Worldwide!

On Friday May 1, 2020 at 07:00 UTC, the world’s first global virtual May Day celebration will begin.  (That’s 08:00 in London and to see what time that is in your country, use this tool.)

This may be the most ambitious thing LabourStart has ever attempted.
Working together with the International Trade Union Confederation and all the global union federations, LabourStart is hosting a 12 hour long broadcast of videos and live events from trade unions around the globe.

All collected videos made especially for May Day from unions on every continent.
The event can be viewed at https://www.labourstart.org/mayday.

Over the next few days, we need your help to raise awareness of this incredible event.

• Please note the start time in your diaries and join us when you can, throughout the day.
• Please spread the word in your unions by email and on social media.
• If you have contacts in your local media (television, radio, newspapers, etc) please alert them to our press release and encourage them to cover the event.
• In some places, our event will be shown on local television stations — we encourage you to find many ways to share the event to the widest possible audience.

May Day is our international workers’ holiday — it will not be shut-down or locked-down.

Long live international workers’ solidarity!  Long live May Day!



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